Holiday Overview

Experience the story of the world's most famous liner and explore one of Europe's fastest-changing, most fascination-packed cities.

Enjoy an included visit to what has become one of Britain's must-see attractions – the glittering, futuristic, £97-million Titanic Belfast Experience. It's the highlight of this hugely popular four-night break that also includes a guided tour of a city bursting with history and renewed civic pride and a visit to the infamous Crumlin Road Gaol.

Explore Belfast's trendy shops, bars and restaurants, and perhaps discover some of the British Isles' most scenic coastal countryside.

Your Holiday Highlights
  • Fly from Regional Airports
  • 03 Nights 3/4* Accommodation
  • Bed & Breakfast Throughout
  • Fully escorted by tour manager
  • Includes 02 Sensational Tours
  • Several Optional Tours (£)
  • Other Airports Available (£) Please Call
Day 01: UK - Belfast

Following your flight to Belfast, meet your tour manager and board the coach for the short transfer into the city and to your hotel. You'll then have the rest of the day free to get your bearings and begin to soak up the atmosphere of what a city fast shaking off its past reputation and embracing the bright new future reflected in its youthful outlook and vibrant redevelopments. Your tour manager will be on hand to point you in the right direction throughout your stay.

Day 02: Included Titanic Belfast visit & City Tour

After breakfast, you'll visit Titanic Belfast, which stands on the site where RMS Titanic was constructed over a century ago. Developed as much as a tribute to the days of shipbuilding in the city as in commemoration of the ill-fated liner that met her untimely end on her Maiden Voyage in 1912, Titanic Belfast is a dramatic, innovative and exciting presentation of the real story of the famous ship.

Wander through its nine fascinating galleries, housed in one of the most eye-catching buildings to have been built in the UK for years. The ship's conception, construction, tragic sinking and its aftermath, as well as its rediscovery in 1985, are brought vividly to life with audio-visual presentations, life-size reconstructions, interactive features and even a Shipyard Ride. You'll leave the exhibition with a real sense of the enormity - and the human cost - of one of the 20th-century's most fateful events.

After a fascinating morning and the opportunity to enjoy lunch (payable locally) this afternoon's guided tour of Belfast will reveal the city's turbulent past, thriving present and hopes for the future. Highlights will include major landmarks such as City Hall, Queen's and Stormont Castle - seat of the Northern Ireland Assembly and a stunning sight gradually revealed from the rising approach road. During the tour you'll also see West Belfast's celebrated Peace Wall, the political murals of the Shankhill and Falls roads, and the ultra-modern developments of the regenerated docks area, crowned by the breathtaking Titanic Quarter.

The rest of the day and evening is left free. Why not soak up the local atmosphere in one of the city centre's traditional pubs?

Day 03: Optional Giant's Causeway Tour

Today you're free to enjoy the delights of Belfast under your own steam, although many will take the opportunity to join our optional excursion to the breathtakingly scenic Antrim Coast, where the Nine Glens lead to the sea and to the world-famous Giant's Causeway.

This astonishing collection of closely-packed basalt columns, and acting as stepping-stones into the Atlantic from beneath the wild, windswept cliffs, is a remarkable sight. In fact formed 60-million years ago by a volcanic explosion, the stories of the Causeway's origin - it's said to have been built by the Irish hero and giant Finn MacCool so that he could cross to Scotland and do battle with a rival Scottish giant – are much more interesting to non-geologists. Although there is a minibus to take visitors to the Causeway from the visitor centre (payable locally), the energetic can walk the mile or so along the cliff path to be rewarded with some breathtaking views.

Your journey back to the hotel takes you along the Causeway Coastal Road, past more spectacular views. Highlights of the wonderfully scenic drive will include bustling Ballycastle at the entrance to the two northernmost glens - Glentaisie and Glenshesk, Carnlough with its picturesque harbour and a drive through the colour-washed village of Glenarm and stunning Glenariff – the Queen of the Glens.

This evening you're once again free to enjoy Belfast's lively nightlife and wide range of restaurants.

Day 04: Fly Belfast - UK

Depending on the time of your flight, you'll have time to spend a final few hours in the city before returning to the airport at the end of a wonderful few days.